
Crosby Straightpoint

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 UK: +44(0)2392 484491    USA: +1 918 834 4611

clamp on line tension meter

Load Links

Wireless & cabled loadlinks or dynamometers for tension load monitoring
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clamp on line tension meter

Tension Meter

iOS & Android Bluetooth wire rope and guy line tension meter
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compression load cells


Compression load cells weigh and calculate centre of gravity of loads
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Running Line Dynamometer (TIMH) for calculating line out and speed 
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Load shackles


Loadshackles up to 2500t using Crosby standard shackles
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Welcome to Straightpoint - Know The LoadWho we are and our services


load cell industry applicationsStraightpoint load cells are the chosen load monitoring and tension meter devices for the following industries:

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Load cells 1t to 500t - In stock and ready to ship larger capacities POA

Straightpoint are dedicated to light and heavy load monitoring, proof testing and cable line tension metering.

Send us your application and we will advise the best solution:

oil and gas hazardous areas

Straightpoint making the Oil and Gas Industry a safer place

Straightpoint products with ATEX / IECEx hazardous zones 0, 1, and 2 approval are the industry standard for weighing, dynamic load monitoring and centre of gravity applications. They are the go-to load monitoring systems within the oil and gas centres of Aberdeen, Houston, Bergen, the Persian Gulf, Singapore and many other global locations. 

Lifting and hoisting operations are among the major causes of fatalities and serious incidents

Using SP wireless products will provide the highest safety assurance and minimise the risks associated with load monitoring within an explosive gas/combustible dust environment. Accidents caused by an explosion can lead, not just to asset damage/destruction or profit cutting downtime, but also to the worst case scenarios of personnel being injured and/or being killed. 

Our products can be used in logistical activities at port, offshore and on land construction of oil fields, and general lifting practices on-site. 

Our wireless range of products that are ideal for use within oil and gas industry:

  1. Radiolink plus Ex range

Capacities available:1-500te in stock (bespoke up to 2000te)
Ideal for: below the hook applications involving lifting at height and for a variety of heavy lifting
Key Feature(s): The world’s bestselling wireless tension load cell. Constructed from high grade aircraft aluminium to reduce weight and increase durability.

  1. TIMH (Running Line Dynamometers) Ex range

Capacities available:1-150te in stock
Ideal for: Monitoring steel cable tension during dockside, marine, offshore towage and salvage applications (prevents cable damage and breakage)
Key Feature(s): 5 wheel design to improve accuracy and at cable pull speeds of up to 20m per min (65ft per min).

  1. Wireless Compression Cell Ex Range

Capacities available:1-1000te in stock
Ideal for: Wide range of free weighing
Key Feature(s): highly resilient by using machined high grade steel, which provides excellent strength and corrosion resistance

  1. Wireless Loadpin Ex Range

Capacities available: 1-1500te in stock
Ideal for: applications where an end of line load cell cannot be used or an integrated solution is required in applications such as pulley or sheave axles, moorings, supports, winches or support blocks.
Key Feature(s): Multiple bespoke designs available for whatever application or for any shackle type. Manufactured from high tensile steel for durability. We can create any Loadpin to suit your requirements. Either choose from the standard sizing and spec or have something completely bespoke from a range of options.

  1. Wireless Load Shackle Ex Range

Capacities available: 1-500te in stock (up to 4000te bespoke)
Ideal for: Lifting jobs in locations with limited headroom. Service trucks and riggers in the oilfields
Key Feature(s): Provided with an industry leading Crosby 2130 Carbon and 2140 Alloy Bolt Type Anchor Shackle.

atex sp handheld plus

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Our rugged handheld display, for use with all of the above, has easy to change AA batteries, no external antennae, and industry leading wireless range allow the operator to stand at a safe distance of up to 700m (2300 feet) within the most hazardous areas up to zone 0.

The products in our wireless range are the first choice for Gin Pole Service trucks and maintenance riggers in the oilfields.
Oil rig modules or jackets need to be weighed during the transportation and construction stages (where up-righting is usually involved). These huge fabrications need to be lifted in order to ascertain whether or not their weight and also their centre of gravity are within safety limits before being moved or transported. Usually a Self-Propelled Modular Transporter (SPMT) or a barge is used to transport them to the installation locations. Prevention of damage to these movers is paramount, as usually repair costs can be exceedingly high. 

Offshore or LNG plants engineers amend the lifting process by regularly using air hoists that utilise the SP range of ATEX / IECEx wireless Radiolinks for topside lifting applications.

Subsea load monitoring applications such as mooring, tie downs and anchors, and ROV pin applications also use our range of 17-4PH stainless steel subsea loadpins. These are pressure tested and supplied with hardwired or SubConn wet mating connectors to connect with our range of instrumentation. They also come with integral 4-20mA or 0-10v analogue outputs for chart recorder or PLC integration.

Product Recommendations:
Radiolink plus - ATEX | Wireless Load Shackles - ATEX | Wireless Compression Load Cells - ATEX | Wireless Loadpins - ATEX | Wireless Running Line Tensiometer - ATEX

tower testingUtility Industry

Utility companies across the globe all use Straightpoint products. Power line tensioning, pump station maintenance and critical lift monitoring are all applications for our range of Loadcells. No utility service truck is complete without a Straightpoint product in its kit.

Product Recommendations:
Radiolink plus | Miniweigher plus | Loadlink plus | Clamp on line tensionmeter

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Marine subsea and offshore

 DNV GL Type approvedSP’s DNV-GL Type Approved products can utilised highly effectively within all manner of sectors within the marine industry, including:

  • Offshore Wind farms
  • Subsea
  • Ship and boat building
  • At sea construction
  • Ship and boat breaking
  • Mass scale fishing
  • Submersible cable laying
  • Marine monitoring

One essential practise within major ports servicing large transport vessels is to perform Bollard pull tests. This is a practise that conveniently performs two jobs at once. One tests the bollard’s load force capabilities to see if it is still capable of its original specified load holding ability, and the other tests the pulling power (measured in either tons or kiloNewtons kN) of the water-vessel’s thrusters (usually a tug boat). A Radiolink plus (RLP) can be used as the best solution to measure both of these force measuring jobs as it can be integrated as part of the mooring line. SW-PTP can be used when Villar’s pulling for real time test certificate generation.

bollard pull test infographicNeed a price? Contact our team

The wireless monitoring ability of the RLP ensures that the user does not need to be within a dangerous distance of the pulling line as there is always a chance that it could snap violently. The IP67/NEMA 6 environmental protection from the advanced internal design structure and high grade sealing allows for it to be used in wet conditions without danger of failure.

With our in-house manufacturing capabilities we can produce bespoke load pins to be used to monitor tension on a marine mooring. Our load pins are designed to be integrated within a mooring hawser, using shackles, whilst connected to floating platforms such as CALMs (Catenary Anchor Leg Mooring) and CASALM (Catenary And Single Anchor Leg Mooring). These platforms are usually out at sea and cater for large ocean faring vessels such as oil tankers. These can apply huge forces to the line and mooring especially if the conditions are far from calm. Whatever the weather or specifications, our pins will be able to provide accurate data and help to prevent lines snapping and vessels going adrift.

Fishing vessels, large or small, can integrate one of our Running Line Dynamometers (from our TIMH range) out at sea, to test the tension forces of the fishing net line as it is reeled out to find a catch. Even when lines are holding large catches of up to 150 tons our Dynamometers can make sure you do not lose the catch as well as an expensive fishing line/net. 

*Our Load shackles and Loadpin products can be manufactured for subsea use if required and output options such as 4-20mA or Modbus.

Straightpoint have a combination of software, instrumentation and wireless load cells (bluetooth option and with DNV Type approval) to suit these applications.

Product Recommendations:

Running Line Dynamometer | Radiolink plus| Wireless Load shackle | Software | Multi Operations Survey System


Straightpoint load cells are used in many industries such as oil and gas, shipping, construction, renewable energies, lifting and cranes, topside and tie downs, mining, entertainment, water bag testing, breakbulk, utilities and military applications.

CALIBRATION|REPAIR SERVICE - Keep your load cells in top condition

Straightpoint's Calibration and Repair industrial facility, serving all countries worldwide, is equipped with load cell calibration test rigs up to 350t/770,000lbs. View more about our test rigs hereUKAS Accredited Calibration is available at the UK facility for tension loadcells up to 50te.