A complete inspection of the load cell shall be performed by a designated person trained to National Standards. The load cell shall be examined for conditions such as those listed below and a determination made as to whether they constitute a hazard.
Removal Criteria:
A load cell and its indicator, if applicable, shall be removed from service if damaged such as the following is visible and shall only be returned to service when approved by a qualified person:
- Missing or illegible manufacturers name/trademark, or serial number, or rated load identification.
- Indications of heat damage, including weld splatter or arc strikes.
- Excessive pitting or corrosion.
- Bent, twisted, distorted, stretched, elongated, cracked, or broken load-bearing components.
- Excessive nicks or gouges.
- Any reduction of the original or catalogue dimension at any point outside of the load-sensing zone.
- Illegible display or readout.
- Damaged of deformed component hardware.
- Evidence of unauthorised welding.
- Other conditions, including visible damage that cause doubt as to the continued use of the load cell.